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Evil Twin There's No Such Thing As Jaywalking

India Pale Ale (IPA)

Queens, NY (United States)

Alc.: 7.0%

Volume: 473mL

Member $3.00
Retail $3.75
Retail Sale price $3.75
Clearance Sale Sold out
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A lovely combination of muddled tropical fruit (with some pineapple shining through) and a pine resin hop character to balance it out.


The hops take up a lot of the stage time for this tasting. It opens up strong on the bitter, earthy flavour and then lets the tropical fruit come in for a brief visit. It’s harder to pull out the fruit flavours on the palate, mostly you’ll taste a sweet and fruity medley, before the bitter herbal flavour comes in and takes over everything. Slightly astringent finish and long hop aftertaste.


With the dominant hop profile, get into something rich and spicy to balance things out. Try a Phat Bai Horapha - Thai-style steak.


Pours a light golden colour with a hazy body and light carbonation. A frothy head on the pours eases down to a thin layer on top of the glass.

Color (Standard Reference Method)
New England IPA
Bitterness (International Bitterness Units)
IBU 55
Cashmere, Cashmere Cryo, and Sabro
Recommended Stemware


Evil Twin is not a particular brewery, but a set of ideas that works from five different locations across the globe. Founded by Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø in 2010, the company itself has been a nomad, moving where the winds of beer take them. After a few years of tumble-weed living, Jeppe moved his family to New York City permanently, and Evil Twin NYC began. Evil Twin is still dedicated to collaboration with brewers across the globe, and gives many nomadic craft brewers a home base when a project needs to be put on its feet. Now the experimentation with recipes and brewing techniques has gone to a whole new level. It also means that getting your hands on Evil Twin beer is a lot easier. Dozens of styles and flavours are available year-round. Made in the New England IPA style, Jaywalking is a medium bodied beer with mid-level bitterness and zesty citrus kick. Double-hopped for an evolving flavour on the palate, it serves well at 8°C and should be enjoyed promptly.

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