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Red Church Session Ale


Beaumont, AB (Canada)

Alc.: 4.2%

Volume: 473mL

Member $2.00
Retail $2.50
Retail Sale price $2.50
Clearance Sale Sold out
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Slightly sweet and slightly funky - an interesting mix of warm malt notes with a touch of caramel, and then on top of that a yeasty kick that pairs up with stone fruit for a wild ride on your nose.


The stone fruit comes in strong at the start of the flavour, but quickly takes a backseat to the malt notes and high hop qualities. The malt stays on the bottom floor, anchoring everything, but the hops take a ride, opening up on the palate to display more herbal and earthy flavour. But it all happens fast and cuts off with a slightly bitter finish that’s a touch dry.


A good beer for a fresh greek salad or just fresh, salted roma tomato sliced thick.


Pours a dark honey colour with mostly clear body and light carbonation. A thin layer of off-white, small bubbles forms the head.

Color (Standard Reference Method)
Session Ale
Bitterness (International Bitterness Units)
IBU 33
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This month the Canada Craft Club brings some small-town craft heroes to the forefront - Red Church Brewing Co. New to the craft scene, brewing out of Beaumont, Alberta, Red Church has only a few brews hitting the streets right now: two pale ales and their Irish stout. But now you get to taste the Session IPA. Simple and straight to the point, the Session is a low alcohol beer meant for kicking your lunchtime fare up a notch. Featuring fresh tropical fruit and citrus notes, with a touch of local blueberry flavour thrown in for good measure. This is a new brewing crew showing you their best handiwork. The Session IPA is meant for any time drinking, serves well at 8°C and should be enjoyed promptly, which shouldn’t be hard given how easy it is to quaff.

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